ManuelRicardo Garcia

photo - film - activism

about me 

Manuel Ricardo Garcia two-spirit and queer FTM of Color
Manuel is a trans* activist, photo artist, filmmaker, founder of the group “Beyond Color”, organizer of the Munich Trans* and Inter* Conference 2007 - 2016, author of the book "TransMen of the World", winner of the Pride Photo Award 2011 Amsterdam, Role model and member of IWWIT, the Safe Sex Campaign of Deutsche Aidshilfe 2017 - 2023, supporter of the Mexican trans community in Mexico City and survivor of a hate crime. In 2024, Manuel was awarded the Waltraud-Schiffels-Prize by the  Hannchen-Mehrzweck-Stiftung Berlin for his "trans*activist life's work". Manuel is a speaker for lectures and empowerment work for people of color, spiritual work and many trans topics. Manuel lives in Munich and Berlin and has family in Chihuahua Mexico.

Instagram: manuel_ricardo_garcia_ftm